Workplace Hygiene & Infection Transmission

Office Hygiene

As one can imagine, due to the high number of people passing through a workplace, the office is one of the largest centers of infection transmission. Contagious infections, bacteria and germs are often passed from person to person through direct and indirect contact. For example, by the regular use of various surfaces and objects by multiple people in an environment, simple conversation or even one’s personal belongings. In this way, it is imperative that we practice vigilant workplace hygiene.

We have to come to learn as a global community, viruses like COVID-19 are easily transmissible and should therefore be carefully addressed. As we begin to return to a ‘normal’ civilisation here in South Africa we need to practice vigilance and caution. Here is a list of precautions one can implement to stop the spread of infection in shared workplace environments.

Hand Hygiene

Throughout the global COVID-19 Pandemic, the medical leaders at the WHO have advised that hand hygiene is fundamental for the in decreasing your risk of infection. Since we frequently touch our mouth, nose and face, we can easily transfer germs to our bodies. In addition, we can even contaminate common communal surfaces such as light switches, coffee machines, hand rails, door handles and taps.

Additionally, respiratory bacteria and viruses are also spread through mucus and salvia by coughing, sneezing, laughing or even simply talking to another. Contaminated droplets are released into the air and can travel onto another individual, or surrounding surfaces. Therefore, aim to educate and encourage employees to practice regular hand sanitisation at home and at the workplace. Practice the use of a tissue or the inside of their elbow when coughing or sneezing.

Eliminating Hand-to-Face Contact Transmission

Hand-to-face transmission is the most common way in which germs and bacteria spread and cause disease. While hand washing should always be encouraged, simply being aware of the hand-to-mouth nature of transmission will allow employees to regulate their own activity. During an outbreak, employees should refrain from hand shaking. Employees must be encouraged to keep their personal items, office equipment and work areas clean and sanitized.

Surface Hygiene

Think of any surface that you may come into contact with, and it could be a source of contamination. As mentioned above, contaminated droplets released into the air can land on various surfaces that you come into contact with. To actively promote workplace hygiene, ensure the surfaces around you are frequently sanitized to decrease your risk of infection.

Food Safety

Snacks and lunch breaks are often consumed at your desk or in a communal cafeteria. Eating spreads food particles around your work place, and can also attract other traveling particles and bacteria. Ensure old food and food particles are disposed of correctly. This will prevent any further germs from growing and manifesting into infectious microorganisms.

There are many obstacles that need to be addressed when creating a safe work environment. Use these four simple tips as a starting point to developing healthy habits to keep yourself, your family and colleagues safe from infection and illness. Chemstrat offers a variety of disinfectant cleaners that you can use for industrial and personal use.